

i was working on an illustration this weekend when i started to realized how amazing the ink and the water were interacting. when i would dip my brush in the water, patterns began to swirl around in the glass container. so, i grabbed my camera and photographed the reaction.


art and maturity

 as i walk through the contemporary section of the art institute of chicago, it slowly takes away all of my maturity. it starts with the the piece "untitled" by felix gonzonalez-torres. it is an interactive piece where the viewer can take a piece of candy from the pile in the corner of the room. i begin to feel rebellious by eating in the gallery when i'm not supposed to. 

then, i reach a section where i'm allowed to walk on the art 

 the final piece is andy warhol's portrait of mao zedong covered in clown-like makeup. at this point, i have lost all maturity. before i can leave the gallery, take a photo picking mao's nose. 



the other day i fell in love with the sweater my friend tara was wearing. the way it is cut in the back exposes the bottom half of her spine. it makes the wearer extremely vulnerable by exposing a very fragile and important part of the body. 


swimming in the rain

last week i ran outside barefoot in the rain to grab my film camera from my car. on my way back inside, i walked into a puddle filled with goldfish. (the crackers). it was so ironic i had to take a picture of it. i love how the black and white film contrasts all of the different things going on in this photograph.